Foundation Course (Classroom) 24th April | Foundation Course (Online) Admission Open | Advance Foundation Course (Classroom) 21st April

Advance Foundation Course (Classroom)


Advance Foundation Course (Classroom)

The Curriculum of ksg Advance foundation Course or commonly called as 2 year course is based on the concept of incremental learing and soft paddling towards the goal of securing a place in the Civil services Examination conducted by UPSC and other such similar competitive examinations.

The program is profoundly planned keeping in mind the demand of the competitive examinations. In this initiative,  we work on the overall development of the students in a very nuanced and meticulous way.

We are steering the Journey of the students in a Module based Manner for e.g.

1.Newspaper Reading Module:

In this particular module Students will be taught in the classroom about how to read the Newspaper? What to read and most importantly what to leave because nothing is more important than the precious time available with them.

2. Basic Concepts Module:

In this module, The Focus of the Faculties is to cover the NCERT’s and Other state board books like TN State board books for History apart from this,Basic concepts and terminologies associated with all the subjects asked in the examinations will be dealt in detail.

3. Dominant issues Module:

Current Issues are taken up by the faculties in classrooms and also Issues of the Month ( IOM )Magazine will supplement the knowledge craving of the students.

4. Map reading Module:

Maps play a vital role in the examination and in life also. Through Atlas faculties will teach map reading and its effective usage.

5. Aptitude Skill Module/ CSAT Skill Module:

In this module the  Csat portion comprising of Mathematics, Reasoning & English will be covered and additionally the Compulsory paper of General English asked in the Upsc mains exam will be covered by the faculties.

6. Writing Skill Module:

It is presumably the most important aspect of Upsc examination. Therefore we mold students to write since inception of the classes through myriad initiatives. e.g  (CWP)Convergence Writing practice, Newspaper Analysis Test (NAT), Pre Assessment Test PAT which covera previous year question papers, Subject wise Class tests based on teaching in the classroom, IOM questions based on Current Affairs magazine and Essay writing modules etc.

7. Book Reading Module:

Here the faculties will put in perspective the excerpts of multifarious range of books ranging from, Administrative and Management Books, Autobiographies, and Contemporary books.

8. Personality Development Module:

1. Interaction with Bureaucrats: In this, we introduce serving and retired bureaucrats with the students and they provide them valuable insights.

2. Conducting Activities in the classes: debates and Assignments, Research workshops for presentation in the classroom.

During college and school days students gravitate away from their ultimate career investment as they often don’t study those things for which they are basically going to be tested. They may study Philosophy, History or Economics, but most of the competitive examinations focus on General Studies for which there are no specialised courses in Schools or Colleges. So, KSG with its decades of experience in General Studies and highly specialised team of experts mentored by Dr. A.R. Khan has formulated a course plan which we call ‘KSG Advance’ as the basic objective of this course is to train students to appear in competitive examinations early and therefore it works towards advancing their career.

Primarily meant for the students planning to appear in the Civil Services examination conducted by the UPSC, the course may also be opted by students who have been simultaneously preparing for other competitive examinations at graduation level such as Bank Probationary Officers (PO) and Staff Selection Board (SSB) or those conducted at the 10+2 level such as National Defence Academy (NDA). In all these examinations General Studies constitute a substantial portion of the syllabus.

Accordingly, the Curriculum of this course is divided into the following three categories:

 Cognitive Development Modules Skills Development Modules Personality Development Modules 


In this course, KSG will be taking the students through essential readings by familiarising them with an exhaustive list of books which will help them develop their personalities. These would be taught to the students through easy means such as by providing them and explaining to them certain pages and excerpts of certain books such as The Story of My Experiments With Truth, the Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi; India after Gandhi & Makers of modern India by Ramachandra Guha; Wings of Fire, an Autobiography of Abdul Kalam; Future Shock by Alvin Toffler; The Art of War by Sun Tzu; The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb and A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking. What we are essentially is what we read! Therefore, we shall help students to inculcate a habit of qualitative reading and also teach them how to use this habit to build their personalities. This kind of activity would expose them to a wide range of readings so that they have got some idea of what is known as the ‘Discovery of India’ and all related things that they might have heard so far only cursorily.


The students of KSG Advance Foundation Course would also be taught NCERT and other school text books in a more pointed way attuned to the requirements of the UPSC or other competitive examinations. This will also include imparting them training on effective ways of revision and testing their knowledge gained through these readings.


This course would also have a module of providing those skills which are very essential for clearing any competitive examination. Such skills would include Spoken Skills, Writing Skills and Aptitude Traits. The students would get specialised help in areas such as the CSAT that figures as the Second Paper of General Studies in Civil Services PT examination. In this regard, special focus would be provided on developing their basic skills of numerical ability and logical reasoning. KSG Advance would include a module on current event cognition that is needed to be developed through the newspaper reading. In this regard, those skills and training would be provided that help in effective reading of newspapers geared towards extracting relevant information needed for competitive examinations. Skills pertaining to preparation of notes on current affairs and related issues would also be provided to the students.


KSG has got a good reservoir of its alumni who are now officers in different services such as IAS, IPS, IFS and IRS. A key feature of this course includes a plan to introduce our students to these serving officers who would share their experience of preparation for competitive examinations. This would be a regular feature of our course so that our students feel continuously motivated. Such interactions would also help students to see in time where they are moving, towards what kind of jobs they are working, and why they are working for those jobs.